Wintergarden Live: Sami Pitkämö
Free entry

Wintergarden Live Moments with Sami Pitkämö
Place: Wintergarden Restaurant & Bar, Yrjönkatu 13
Date: 18.9.2020
Time: 7-10 PM
Free entry, limited seats
Welcome to Wintergarden's Live Moments evening. Enjoy moments with live music, cocktails & wine, delicious food, old and new friends in Wintergarden's magical ambiance.
There is a limited number of seats available. Please remember proper hand hygiene. If you experience any kind of flu symptoms, even the mildest, please stay home. Because we care for your safety, you’ll be seeing our staff wearing masks. Read more about our Safe Stay policies.
Sami Pitkämö & Band
Sami Pitkämö is a real entertainer! Prefer Sinatra's classics or latest pop hits? Pitkämö & Band does it all!
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